One margarita to margarita three margarita shot
One margarita to margarita three margarita shot

one margarita to margarita three margarita shot

one margarita to margarita three margarita shot


Album ( Page Link ) Song ( Page Link ) ( Partial Lyrics ) 1 4.Anything Cold in an Aquafina Or a margarita made in a can Anything cold with alcohol Soon as I'm poppin' that top then 2 1.Last Hurrah ell tequila so long margarita And lady sativa I hate to leave ya Don't want the pressure I don't need a l 3 4.Sake of the Summer mer Your frozen margarita hands Like ice on sunburned skin Hurt like hell but felt so good If I could 4 4.Krystal Karrington(Demo) n monk uno delegate Margarita glinch glare a cannon out my trench Welcome back to Fairy Sonny Cheeba eye 5 11.Control her me I'm off lean margarita With a bad mamcita And a bag off the meters But I'm spazzing on people SplaĦ 15.Ain't No Fun To Be Alone in San Antone you I had me a few margaritas Now it's closin' time and they're sayin'that I'm gonna Have to be movin' o 7 13.Amen Amigo rown eyed girl sing Margaritaville Can I get an amen amigo hey why don't we go Check out the world somewh 8 1.Love$ick rge Kermit the Frog margaritas Yeah I heard she got a man homie Yeah he wanna lay the hands on me But he 9 2.Nas Album Done ica Mexico Hennessy margarita venison eater So dear spread'em here don't be actin' innocent either Don't 10 5.The Agreement OT and I'm sipping margaritas Tell your girl jerk us off only way to beat us If they ask me they should' 11 10.Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood re like a margarita made out of wood She got solar panels for thirty cents a watt In the future there's a party from the past she's a cop[Vers.

One margarita to margarita three margarita shot